Introducing Digital Performer 9
Artistry and engineering in elegant counterpoint
Exciting new plug-in processors, a powerful synth and many workflow enhancements headline this major new upgrade.
Exciting new plug-in processors, a powerful synth and many workflow enhancements headline this major new upgrade.
Spark your creativity, then refine your mix — all in a singular workflow. Digital Performer 9 delivers inspirational features devised to ignite your creative muse, combined with state-of-the-art studio production technologies engineered for the most demanding, world-class recording and production environments.
Meet the 64-bit instrument plug-in powerhouse for your Digital Performer desktop. Inspired by legendary subtractive synthesizers, MX4 combines several core synthesis techniques in a unified, hybrid synthesis engine that delivers fresh and vintage sounds alike. As you explore its many banks and hundreds of presets, you'll soon rely on MX4 as your "go-to" instrument. Fat basses, nasty leads, analog pads, vintage electronica — it's all at your fingertips and conveniently saved with your DP projects for instant recall.
Digital Performer's spot-on emulation of the classic 1176LN compressor includes all the quirks of the revered D/E revisions, including "all buttons" mode for absolute slamming, when needed.
MicroG is a subtractive synth processor that emulates polyphonic octave generators (POGs) streamlined for guitar. Try it on vocals, instruments or any type of signal for truly unique effects!
Mix automation can add life to a flat mix, allowing it to breath with the musical ebb and flow of the track. Automation lanes display each type of automation data — volume, pan, plug-in settings like filter cutoff — in their own lane below the parent track, giving you the clarity you need to perfectly dial in your automated mix. Show as many lanes as you like. Display any type of automation data you wish, for audio tracks, instrument tracks and MIDI tracks.
Digital Performer 9 can display the spectral content of each audio track, side by side with their waveforms, directly in the Sequence Editor time line. Vertical position represents frequency; brightness represents intensity. This gives you a colorful, informative visual representation of the frequency content of your tracks within the context of surrounding tracks — and your entire mix. The Spectrogram display can be invaluable in helping you effectively balance and manage the frequency content of your mix over time. Choose from among a dozen compelling color schemes.
Digital Performer 9 takes full advantage of your Mac's Retina™ display, delivering stunning graphic resolution, clarity and color depth to your Digital Performer experience.
Working with plug-ins in Digital Performer has just become a hands-on experience: now you can sweep filters, morph macros and toggle bypass switches with the physical controls on your favorite MIDI controller. Mapping is easy: just click the Learn button and hit your controller. Molding your sound has never been more interactive.
Digital Performer's QuickScribe notation window has long been recognized for its elegant transcription of non-quantized MIDI tracks. DP9's new MusicXML export feature lets you transfer QuickScribe's beautiful notation to other MusicXML-savvy notation programs, such as Finale™ and Sibelius™, while preserving QuickScribe's elegant transcription, including key signatures, meter changes, dynamic markings, lyrics, transpositions and even marker text. Your score will look fantastic and you'll save huge amounts of time because you won't have to "clean up" the score in the other program.
Create Tracks lets you make dozens of audio, MIDI and instrument tracks in one operation. Quickly set up new projects or add tracks to existing projects.
A huge time saver!
Now you can save text notes in your DP project, rather than in a separate text document. Log production info, keep a To Do list, build up liner notes.
Like most list windows in DP, the Markers and Chunks windows now have search fields, allowing you to quickly find markers and chunks when the lists get long.
DP's Mute tool is a convenient way to temporarily mute audio regions. Now it can mute MIDI notes, too — even multiple selected notes with one click.
Keep your potent processors front and center as you work. Set the floating preference globally or choose to float on a per window basis for complete control.